A baseline survey among households in Bua Yai subdistrict was carried out in December 2021. The TA team experts Dr. Nathsuda Pumijumnong, Dr. Siriluck Sirisup, and 2 research staff under the supervision of Dr. Takuji W. Tsusaka will undertook in 8 villages of the subdistrict.
The main purpose of the baseline survey was to obtain socio-economic information and current circumstances of villagers in the Bua Yai subdistrict concerning the outputs of the TA.
The survey was executed with an aim to reveal contemporary agricultural practices in the villages of Bua Yai, which would serve as a statistical benchmark for future comparative analysis of pilot project effectiveness, including monitoring and evaluation during and after completion of pilot climate-smart agricultural practices. Moreover, the attitudes and motivation of villagers to contribute to TA implementation, which includes potential of transition to organic agriculture practice, value chain practice, and biochar making to maintain and conserve soil fertility were also obtained through this survey.
The team also carried out meetings with officials at the provincial and local level, as well as the residents in the villages of Bua Yai subdistrict. Information pertaining to the TA activities and progress, including the baseline survey, was disclosed to the officials and locals.
The survey was carried out in 8 villages of Bua Yai, with more than 300 interviewees. The spatial distribution of the residents can be seen in the figure below. While all farmers were from Bua Yai, the outlying points indicated the origin of the farmers rather than their current place of residence.

The survey was completed amidst an interruption caused by a COVID-19 infection in Ban Mai Mongkol.
Visit to Processing Plants of Community Enterprises
An essential oil extraction plant is under operation in the remote area of Ban Mai Mongkol, a village in Bua Yai Subdistrict, Na Noi District, about 85 km from the city of Nan. This processing plant is producing about 37 kinds of essential oils from different plants such as pomelo, wild ginger, eucalyptus, turmeric, citronella, lemon grass, basil etc. Some products are sold to a contracted private company–which are exported overseas–while some are further processed to sell online. Waste from the processing plant is reused for mulching, which improves soil quality due to the nutrient content.
Raw materials for the processing plant, besides mulching, are procured from the villagers itself. It is low cost and has positive impacts on the health and environment as no chemicals are used. Moreover, the processing plant also serves as a learning and development center.

The processing plant of the Community Organic Agriculture Enterprise is located in Village 8 of Bua Yai. Currently, this plant only works on pumpkin processing, from fresh pumpkin which is grown locally. The products are pumpkin paste which is partly used for making pumpkin cake, selling locally such as at organic agriculture product market in Na Noi District and direct order. Some volumes are sold to the contracted food factory in Nonthaburi. The residues are used for compost making.